
Exotic flair

Albizia, also called Silk Tree, is an ornamental tree with fern-like leaves and fluffy pink flowers that attract butterflies and bees. It grows best in a sunny and sheltered spot in well-drained soil and can grow about 6 feet tall. The tree is fairly drought tolerant. With minimal care and pruning in early spring, the Albizia is an exotic addition to gardens and landscapes.

Robust in any climate, graceful in bloom – Albizia.

Albizia julibrissin ‘Evi’s Pride’

Albizia julibrissin ‘Evi’s Pride’, also called Persian sleeping tree (Persian sleeping tree) or Mimosa tree, combines graceful flowering with practical benefits. This tree blooms in July and August with fragrant pink flowers that attract bees and butterflies. It grows quickly

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Albizia julibrissin ‘Ombrella’

Albizia julibrissin ‘Ombrella’ is distinguished from other Albizia varieties by its distinctive parasol-shaped crown. This specific shape provides an even and wide shade, making it particularly suitable as a shade tree in gardens and on terraces. Additionally, the “Ombrella” is

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