Export Nurseries

“Fully specialized
in the cultivation of Acer & Cercis’’

From Boskoop we grow and sell:

Large Acer selection
with unique varieties.


Strong, healthy and always available!

Own production

Since 1938, plants of the highest quality have been produced at our nursery in Boskoop. Since the turn of the century, we have specialized completely in the cultivation of Acer. These are all cultivated through of grafting. This is largely done in-house in order to always be able to offer a wide variety of species and to keep the quality optimal.

the Acer

our speciality

Our is company has become known for its specialization in the Acer (Japanese Maple). Over the years, we have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge about the product, which is why we are now able to deliver high quality products every year.

Beautiful, robust Acer are our speciality

Our favorite, the Cercis can. Carolina Sweetheart

the Cercis

our sweetheart

A colorful eye-catcher is the Cercis, or Judas tree. Attractive early in the season with its flowers on the bare wood and later with its spectacular leaf colors. An attractive shrub also for the smaller garden. We offer plants with leaf color from deep red to light yellow, as well as variegated. Suitable for any spot.

the Lagerstroemia

our oriental speciality

A specialty of our nursery is the cultivation of very hardy Lagerstroemia. Originally from Asia and North Australia, this shrub is a first class plant for the garden. Blooms in late summer with beautiful red, purple, pink or white flowers.

Very exuberant flowering in August and September.